Your Investigators
Annie Malone
Annie Malone has been a fan of David Lynch ever since she and her brother secretly watched Blue Velvet on Spectravision during a family vacation. When she can take her eyes off Audrey, her favorite non-Coop Twin Peaks character is probably Bobby. But when Leland's tie is messy you know you're in for some top notch Ray Wise acting. Annie Malone also answers to Amy Green, has two delightful kids, teaches preschool, and puts the sing in single.
Jessica Baxter
Baxter started watching Twin Peaks in middle school and it sparked a lifelong obsession with all things David Lynch. Her favorite non-Coop characters are Audrey, Bobby, Diane, and Carl. Her favorite David Lynch films are Wild at Heart and Mulholland Dr. She lives in Seattle with her insightful husband, Chris Brugos (featured on the pod!), her two kids who are definitely named after Lynch characters, and too many cats.