And then she said the ancient phrase…

At Really Weird Stuff, we know you have your choice of Twin Peaks recap podcasts. Thank you for considering ours. Our mission is to examine each episode of David Lynch’s seminal television series in the context of the story as a whole.

Really Weird Stuff Podcast is hosted by Annie Malone and Jessica Baxter. We bring over 30 years of Lynchverse expertise to the table. With the help of our special guests, we aim to answer questions such as:

*What year is it?

*Is it future, or is it past?

*What with the trees?

*Why is James?

At the end of each episode, we will present the Ceiling Fan Award (spookiest moment), the Fish in the Percolator Award (funniest moment), an LVP (James notwithstanding) and MVP (Coop notwithstanding).

David Lynch won’t explain himself so it’s up to us. Grab your favorite pastry and caffeinated beverage and come along!