S1E6: Realization Time

On RWS E7, we're discussing Twin Peaks Season 1, Episode 6, "Realization Time", written by Harley Peyton and directed by Caleb Deschanel. This is best known as the one where Waldo the Myna bird helps the investigation, and the Bookhouse Boys go to One-Eyed Jacks. But there are so many other delicious scenes, including Audrey sleuthing all over Horne's Department store and a nod to "Double Indemnity" in Catherine's scene with the ambitious life insurance agent, Mr. Neff. Special guest, Matt Fisher of Ex-Rated Movies Podcast helps us explore such mysteries as:

HOW does Audrey know exactly what to say to the stock boy?
WHY doesn't the Bureau have a budget for better wigs?
HOW does Blackie keep from gagging during that failed flirtation with Big Ed?

PLUS: Matt discusses why Twin Peaks is the only television drama he's watched more than once!

Listen to RWS Episode 7 here!


S1E7: The Last Evening


S1E5: Cooper’s Dreams